My bloggy friend, Danielle , has just opened a new Etsy shop called Girl and Parrot . She's going to be selling her super awesome custom (rhyme, eh? lol) watercolor portraits! Here's a portrait she made of her family & a photograph underneathe to compare. I'm in the process now of tr…
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Fill-in-the-Blank Fridays
{Lauren's Blog} 1. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is go to the bathroom and shower. I have to shower in the morning if I plan to do anything productive at all. 2. I can hardly wait for June 19th. It's going to be an amazing summer! (Vlog post about this will be posted soo…
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Fill in the Blank Friday
{via} I'm doing last week's fill-in-the-blank from Lauren's blog because well, I'm typing this up on a Thursday and she still hasn't posted this week's fill-in-the-blank. haha. 1. Today is a good day because I am chaperoning this school year's Grad Bash in Universal Studi…
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Weekend
I had a pretty uneventful weekend. On Friday night, I spent all night looking through old photos and pretty much just enjoying the house, which I had to myself. It was quiet and very relaxing to say the least. Then, I had to work on Saturday (longest day of my life!). I am finishing up my reading e…
Friday, April 13, 2012
Friday the 13th
As you may already know, I lost one of my best friends last year... my companion & my most amazing pet, Ringo. He passed away on May 21st. However, he entered this world on April 13, 2007 which also happened to be a Friday the 13th. Today would have been his birthday and yes, it is also Friday …
Friday, April 6, 2012
Where in the World is... my hair?!
It's a official! I chopped off 12 inches of hair that I will be sending off to Locks of Love. It's a pretty difficult day for me being that I loved having long hair but I know that it's for a good cause. I also made a little vlog today... it had been a while, huh? (;
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
2-year Blogaversary
{via} Well... I've gone and done it again! I once again forgot all about my blog's anniversary blogaversary which was on April 2nd, in case you were wondering. hmmm... it's odd since my blog (though I may not write that often lately) is my little baby; truly my most favorite outlet of so…
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The Hunger Games
So, quite honestly, I didn't think I would get into The Hunger Games. I had seen people going crazy over them and reading all the books in the series before but I guess it wasn't till the movie came out that I actually got kinda interested in it. My little sister read all the books, like mo…
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Fill in the Blank Fun
{via} I took this fun fill-in-the-blank from Lauren , as usual (; And also as usual, I am late posting it... oopsie. 1. My greatest strength is my perseverance. When I really want something, I will work hard to get it for as long as it takes. 2. My greatest weakness is food. I love working out and all t…
{via} When life seems unfair and uncertain, somehow you have the ability to ease the sadness and make me feel as if everything is going to be okay. You have an amazing amount of strength that carries me through the rough times and a wonderful sense of humor that can turn the tears into smiles. Knowing you’re…
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Jesus follower†. Mother to one angel in heaven and one blessing here on earth. Co-parenting. A nerd in all sense of the word. Newly converted plant-lover. Obsessed with coffee and chocolate but really don't like mochas. A whole lot neurotic but definitely in a functioning type of way. Oh yeah, and I totally think I'm hilarious¯\_(ツ)_/¯.