Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Finding Myself
Nothing is ever really what I expect it's going to be. lol. Sometimes I am just HIT RIGHT ON THE FACE with the unexpected but other times, I welcome it. We come across people and certain situations and all we can do is hope that it all turns out to be an experience that is memorable and worth keeping. Although things don't always turn out the way we want them to or how we expect them to, we need to simply be mature and make the best of it, learn from it and take it as what it is, a learning experience. After all, this life is filled with just that - experiences from which we learn from and hopefully from which we can take something beautiful.
This summer is definitely not what I had envisioned but I am nonetheless happy with the plans that I have as I will be doing a whole lot of traveling - from being on the tropical island of Hawaii (where I will be having a few photo shoots! yeah!) to getting the chance to visit the US capital to going to Poe's grave and possibly even his home. I'm going to be super busy to say the least but I couldn't be any happier.
I love traveling - traveling is my safe, happy place; I love seeing things that are new to me, meeting new people, and experiencing fun and exciting moments, including geocaching of course! One of my summer travel destinations is one that is very dear to my heart as it represents many things to me --- especially freedom. I feel free there, relaxed, and just content in my own self. I have been there and loved it and I'm excited to be able to go again especially since I never in a million years thought I would be able to return. I guess it's those in "the spur of the moment" plans that are usually the best. Lord knows I need this mental break from reality as my life has been pretty much an emotional roller coaster for quite some time. I feel like this summer is meant for me to just focus on myself and get back in touch with the person I used to be - the happy, always laughing and smiling Adri most people know. I have been too worried lately, too preoccupied, too not myself and after a loooooot of thinking, I have come to the realization that I need to focus on me and get my act together because even though things don't always go as planned we shouldn't dwell on that and instead should try our very hardest to find happiness within ourselves.
My other travel destination is going to be a journey that I am taking with my good friend, G. I haven't traveled with her in quite a few years but I am so excited to be able to experience something new with her because well, I know that we travel well together. I love having a travel buddy - someone who isn't always on the rush, that can take her time but still get to see all the "important places" while of course, still visiting the secret or not-so-popular places as well. I must say, that while we were estranged from one another for a few years, it feels good to finally have my best friend back... I missed her.
So while this summer isn't turning out "as planned", I am happy to know that I am regaining focus on myself, that I am focused on being healthier (I've already lost 6 pounds thank God), that I will be doing some traveling, that I will photographing beautiful people and places, that I'll be thinking and reflecting, and hopefully meditating as well as I hope to gain myself back...for real this time.
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Jesus follower†. Mother to one angel in heaven and one blessing here on earth. Co-parenting. A nerd in all sense of the word. Newly converted plant-lover. Obsessed with coffee and chocolate but really don't like mochas. A whole lot neurotic but definitely in a functioning type of way. Oh yeah, and I totally think I'm hilarious¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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