Yup. I can see it.
I can feel it.
I can almost taste it.
Right. Around. The. Corner.
While I typically detest summer weather (unless I'm laying out in the sun in a tropical island somewhere about 12 hours away from here), I really look forward to my much needed break from work. This year especially as it has been one hell of a roller coaster.
I'm kind of dreading the next couple of days too as I have numerous parties/reunions/get-togethers to attend - I'm a bit anti the whole "social thing", I've noticed. But I'm glad I signed up for them and am getting out there for whatever it counts.
I look forward to continuing this relaxing thing I've got going on for the past couple of weeks since the semester ended. I'm looking forward to focusing on my business - my passion. I'm looking forward to actually being able to read a book or two. And hey, if I don't, that's OK too. I'm fine just laying around all day ;)
Today was a pretty good day - though highly emotional. I found out that I managed to somehow maintain my 4.0 and also found out that my beautiful nephew passed both FCAT exams this year! I'm a proud auntie, that's for sure. And proud of myself too! I'm happy all my stress has paid off in the end.
But now... relaxation mode. We are almost there. The light... at the end of the tunnel... it's there and I can see it.
I cannot wait to indulge in time.
[image via]
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
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Jesus follower†. Mother to one angel in heaven and one blessing here on earth. Co-parenting. A nerd in all sense of the word. Newly converted plant-lover. Obsessed with coffee and chocolate but really don't like mochas. A whole lot neurotic but definitely in a functioning type of way. Oh yeah, and I totally think I'm hilarious¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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