Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

As always, Fill in the Blank Friday posts come from the lovely Lauren in The Little Things We Do.

1. The highlight of my week was realizing that I am only a week away from my trip to Hawaii! It still seems kind of unreal to me. I am so excited.

2. If I had to classify my interior design aesthetic, it would be country, country, country! I wish for a house in the country some day. 

3. My first vehicle was a 1993 black Toyota Corolla. I remember I got it the day after prom. I loved that thing.

4. An item I need to have in my day in order to function is my phone. I won't lie... I depend on my phone a lot. 

5. My favorite way to waste time is the Internet either blogging, twitter-ing, or now Pinterest.

6. Right now I could really go for a nice walk in one of my favorite parks or South Beach. I get really bored staying at home.

7. This weekend I will be getting a lot of work done for both work and school. I need to make sure that everything (or most of my work) is done before I leave on my trip.


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