I was so sick this whole entire week to the point of not wanting to talk, eat, work, think. I missed a lot of work (and didn't get paid for a few days which absolutely sucked) but I was the sickest I have been in a very long time and I really needed the rest. All I could do was sleep and complain and sleep and feel like crying and then complain a little more. It wasn't until Sunday actually that I started feeling more like myself. Yes, I'm still sick (have congestion/cough/etc) but I'm no where near what I was before. At least for that, I'm thankful.
On Saturday, I had to go to a workshop for my Reading Endorsement and I had to show the video of a lesson I taught (yes, I had to record myself teaching! eek!) but that went well, thank God. I did, however, ask to be excused early because my head kept nodding from side to side and front and back and I was just not feeling well. The instructor even noticed. It was bad and I'm really not like that no matter how bored, tired, etc I may be. If I'm in a class setting, I'm pretty much on point. But on Saturday, I just couldn't do it. I was excused early and then I came home and did absolutely nothing but lay in bed and be on the computer.
On Sunday, I woke up at 6am, took a shower, got dressed, and went to shop for groceries. I was like a whole new person. haha. I felt rested and so much better from the terrible cold that had been haunting me for days. I did my makeup for the first time in over a week and washed my hair and just felt so much better overall. I went to my sister's and we went to go eat at iHop. I also got to spend some time with my nephew which was nice because since I had been sick (and traveling the week prior), I hadn't really spent much time with him.
I did, however, receive some very bad news while I was out and I'm not going to lie, it really made me sad. It's one of those things that leave me not knowing what to do or say and leave me feeling empty with a sick twist in my stomach. I know I'm being vague but it's not something I really want to discuss in detail. I just feel like I need to stay strong for the people around me... a feeling I have often. It's difficult but it's part of life. I just hope things aren't too painful and that I'm given everything I need to go through it. I'm praying for that.
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